The news page is where we post all of our articles, blogs, interviews and columns. We write for all sort of publications, both for professional and students, as well as appearing in the national press. If you would like to interview us, or would like us to write a piece for you, do get in touch via:

Hear Here Networking Event

Hear Here are holding their third drinks and networking event on Thursday 23rd November,  sponsored by J.P. Morgan. The event is free to attend and marks the first anniversary of ‘Hear Here’, the independent social and professional networking group established to foster connections between those affected by hearing loss.  Hear Here continues to go from strength to strength and would encourage

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The Judicial Appointments Commission – applications for Disability Member of the First-tier Tribunal, Social Entitlement Chamber.

The Judicial Appointments Commission have contacted City Disabilities about a selection exercise that they are due to launch in November this year. The role is as a fee-paid Disability Member of the First-tier Tribunal, Social Entitlement Chamber. Successful candidates will work in the Social Security and Child Support jurisdiction. They will hear appeals that involve

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Judicial Appointments – Law Society Diversity Event

As part of their commitment to promoting greater diversity in the judiciary, the Law Society, Bar Council, CILEx, and Judicial Appointments Commission are running a targeted event to raise awareness of opportunities for those in underrepresented groups. This includes BAME, women and people with a disability or long term health condition. As part of the

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Recruitment Industry Disability Initiative Survey

RIDI believes that a lack of  confidence can make it harder for people with disabilities to be as successful as they might otherwise be during the recruitment process. 2 years on from their first survey, which found that 56% of participants had experienced barriers as early as the initial application stage of the recruitment process,

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Holiday break

City Disabilities will be on holiday for the next 10 days. We look forward to catching up with all our mentors and mentees on our return, and hope you are all enjoying the summer.

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Take part in research with Scope

The charity Scope are looking for participants for two new research projects and have asked our mentees and mentors for help. For the first project, they will be interviewing people on the subject of sharing information about their disability or long term health condition with their employer and with colleagues. They are interested in hearing

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EmployAbility workshop with Goldman Sachs

EmployAbility are partnering with Goldman Sachs through its Community Teamworks programme to offer opportunities for students with disabilities to attend a programme of practical skills workshops in 2017. The Workshop is designed to give you advice and tips for success including: advice on different types of interviews and common mistakes to avoid; tips for success

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Last chance to complete our survey

City Disabilities has been running a survey on the attitude of employers to disability in the workplace. We have had a great response to the survey, and will be closing it shortly. If you have a disability or long term health condition, and are in work, please complete the survey. It is anonymous, consists of

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