Excellent job opportunity for legal mentees

An excellent job opportunity has arisen at the law firm where our founder, Robert Hunter, is a partner. Click here for more details: http://www.emmlegal.com/news/civil-fraudsa/
An excellent job opportunity has arisen at the law firm where our founder, Robert Hunter, is a partner. Click here for more details: http://www.emmlegal.com/news/civil-fraudsa/
EmployAbility are currently advertising some interesting internships and job opportunities at a variety of companies including Willis Towers Watson, Google and Bloomberg. Application deadlines are generally towards the middle and end of March. Visit their site for further details: https://www.employ-ability.org.uk/internships
The Judicial Appointments Commission is launching a recruitment drive for the post of Deputy District Judge on 1st March. There are 303 vacancies across England and Wales. Deputy District judges hear a wide variety of civil and family law cases, including: claims for damages and injunctions possession proceedings against mortgage borrowers and property tenants divorces
The Law Society Diversity Access Scheme Scholarship is now open for applications. What is the DAS? The DAS is a scholarship for aspiring solicitors. The DAS award package includes funding for up to the full cost of your LPC fees, a professional mentor to help with queries relating to a future career in law and
With funding from the Big Lottery Programme Disability Research into Independent Living and Learning (DRILL), Cardiff University is conducting independent research into the experiences of barristers and clerks who define themselves as disabled, or who have a long-term health condition. Researchers want to document the barriers this group experience in the profession, identify examples of good practice and
City Disabilities had another interesting meeting today with The Poppy Factory. We look forward to working with them in the future as we support more mentees back into work. You can read more about the excellent work they do on their website: https://www.poppyfactory.org/
Robert Hunter and Liz Dawes were interviewed by the FT recently for a special pull out report on meritocracy in the workplace. You can find the interview on pages 6 and 7 of the pull out, and online. Otherwise you can read the attached scan. Robert Hunter- Financial Times
Robert Hunter spent yesterday afternoon with The Poppy Factory. The Poppy Factory is the country’s leading employment charity for veterans with long term health conditions and/or disabilities. Founded in 1922, they work with businesses across the country to provide bespoke opportunities and ongoing employment support for hundreds of veterans of all ages and from all
We are always delighted to hear about organisations that enable those with disabilities to learn new skills. We love this particular story: Flying Scholarships for Disabled Business.
The Lawyers with Disabilities Division of the Law Society have been working with Prof. Debbie Foster of Cardiff University and independent researcher and photojournalist Dr Natasha Hirst, to develop a new research project: “Legally Disabled? The career experiences of disabled people in the legal profession in England & Wales: developing future strategies.” Funded by the Disability Research into